Welcome to BGCF Korean Class부산글로벌도시재단 한국어강좌 수강신청

한국어강좌 BGCF Korean Class

기본 안내사항 [Introduction]

부산글로벌도시재단 한국어강좌는 장기 체류 비자를 소지한 부산 거주 외국인주민 누구나 신청 가능합니다. 많은 신청 바랍니다.

BGCF Korean class welcomes every foreign resident in Busan who has a long-stay visa more than 90 days.

대상자 [For Whom]

부산 거주 외국인주민 (90일 이상 장기 체류 비자 소지자)

Foreign Residents in Busan (Only for long-term stay visa holders[longer than 90 days])

장소 [Venue]

부산글로벌센터 (부산 지하철 1호선 시청역 2번 출구, 국민연금부산회관 13층)BGCF

Busan Global Center (Exit No. 2 of City Hall Station on Subway Line No. 1, 13th floor, Busan National Pension Building)

부산글로벌빌리지(지하철 2호선 부암역 1번 출구)

Busan Global Village(Exit 1 of Buam station on Subway line 1, 734, Gaya-daero Busanjin-gu Busan)

청년두드림센터(지하철 1호선 서면역 7번 출구, 롯데백화점 2층)

Busan Do Dream Center (Exit 7 of Seomyeon station on Subway line 1 & 2, 2F, 772, Gaya-daero Busanjin-gu Busan)

강좌 [Semester]

정규강좌(초급1-4, 중급1-2), TOPIK특강, K2H특강

Regular courses(Basic1-4, Speaking1-2), TOPIK special lecture and K2H courses.

연락처 [Contact]

1577-7716 (+0 Korean / +1 English / +2 Chinese / +3 Vietnamese / +4 Indonesian / +5 Russian, Uzbek)

상세정보 Detailed Info

※표가 잘려보인다면 좌우로 터치해주세요.※If the table is cut off, touch it left and right.

No Course Period Registration Date Readnum
9 (ENG) Additional Recruitment 2021-08-02~2021-12-09 2021-07-28~2021-08-15 2021.07.28 296
8 [2021-2] 특별강좌 (Special Course for Intermediate) 2021-08-06~2021-10-08 2021-07-19~2021-07-25 2021.07.19 203
7 [2021-3~4] 정규강좌 (Regular Course for Beginner) 2021-08-02~2021-12-09 2021-07-19~2021-07-25 2021.07.19 2923
6 [2021-3] TOPIK II 특별강좌 (Special Lecture for TOPIK II) 2021-07-03~2021-07-03 2021-06-17~2021-06-23 2021.06.16 872
5 [2021-2] TOPIK II 특별강좌 (Special Lecture for TOPIK II) 2021-05-08~2021-05-08 2021-04-28~2021-05-08 2021.04.27 110
4 [2021-2] 정규강좌 (Regular Course for Beginner) 2021-05-10~2021-07-08 2021-04-28~2021-05-04 2021.04.27 204
3 [2021-1] TOPIK II 특별강좌 (Special Lecture for TOPIK II) 2021-04-03~2021-04-03 2021-03-19~2021-03-28 2021.03.18 105
2 [2021-1] 특별강좌 (Special Course for Intermediate) 2021-03-05~2021-05-08 2021-02-15~2021-02-28 2021.02.10 413
1 [2021-1] 정규강좌 (Regular Course for Beginner) 2021-03-02~2021-07-08 2021-02-15~2021-02-28 2021.02.10 525